%0 Journal Article %A Noor, A. %A Mohamed Kutty, S.R. %A Baloo, L. %A Affam, A.C. %A Jagaba, A.H. %A Saeed Ghaleb, A.A. %A Yahya Almahbashi, N.M. %A Ahmad, T. %A Nawab, M.S. %A Birniwa, A.H. %D 2023 %F scholars:18668 %J Heliyon %N 4 %R 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14840 %T Parametric optimization of additive manufactured biocarrier submerged in sequencing batch reactor for domestic wastewater treatment %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/18668/ %V 9 %X The high nutrient concentration in domestic wastewater effluent can endanger the aquatic life via eutrophication. Thus, research have been carried out to prevent harm to aquatic life. In regard biofilm reactors have been successful by far with few limitations. Bio-carrier fabrication of desired shape is one of the limitations. Recently, the invention of additive manufacturing (AM) of object made it feasible to fabricate the desired shape. In this study additive manufactured bio�carrier (AMB) was printed using AM technique, with high surface area to volume ratio as well as density higher than water. The submerged attach growth sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SAGSBBR) for organic and nutrient removal from domestic wastewater (DWW) was conducted to determine the optimum bio�carrier filling ratio (FR) and cycle time (CT) by using response surface methodology (RSM) with CT ranging between 12 h and 24 h and FR ranging between 0 and 20. The maximum chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia-nitrogen (NH4+�N), and total phosphorus (TP) removal was 96.8 mg/L, 93.32 mg/L, and 88.89 mg/L respectively, which was achieved in submerged attached growth sequential biofilm batch reactor with 10 FR (SAGSBBR�10). The optimization study determined the optimal solution of CT and FR to be 17.07 h and 12.38 respectively, with desirability of 0.987. The predicted mean of responses for the optimal solution were 96.64, 94.40 and 89.94 for COD removal, NH4+�N removal and TP removal, respectively. The rate of biomass attachment at the first stage in SAGSBBR�10 and SAGSBBR�20 was about 11.39 mg/carrier.d and 8.64 mg/carrier.d, whereas the highest accumulation achieved was 98.27 mg/carrier and 80.15 mg/carrier respectively. Thus, this study can assist us to achieve sustainable development goal (SDG) 6. © 2023 The Author(s) %Z cited By 12