%0 Conference Paper %A Elfadel, N. %A Aziz, A.A. %A Yonsif, H. %A Musa, M. %A Aziz, A. %A Idriss, E. %A Mohammed, A. %A Saad, N.M. %D 2007 %F scholars:185 %K Bit error rate; Code division multiple access; Codes (symbols); Local area networks; Probability; Radio interference; Signal interference, Bit error probabilities; Error probabilities; Hardware complexities; Interference cancellations; Optical orthogonal codes; Optical parallel interferences; Optical-; Performance analyses; Processing times; Signature sequences, Multiple access interference %P 465-467 %R 10.1109/ICIAS.2007.4658431 %T One stage optical parallel interference cancellation for the optical CDMA %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/185/ %X Optical Parallel Interference Cancellation (OPIC) is effective technique to reduce the Multiple Access Interference (MAI) in the Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA). However, the increasing demands for hardware in the OPIC system results into more complexity, higher processing time and cost. In this paper a new receiver is presented which is based mainly on the Optical Parallel Interference Cancellation (OPIC) for the Optical Code Division Multiple Access (OCDMA) local area networks. Optical Orthogonal Code (OOC) is adopted as a signature sequence for the performance analysis and a new expression for the error probability is derived. The results show that the proposed method is effective to reduce the hardware complexity, processing time and cost while maintaining the same bit error probability at the cost of increasing the threshold value. ©2007 IEEE. %Z cited By 0; Conference of 2007 International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, ICIAS 2007 ; Conference Date: 25 November 2007 Through 28 November 2007; Conference Code:74506