%K Construction industry; Developing countries, Construction projects; Construction workers; Data collection; Diversity factors; Extrinsic workforce; Global population; High demand; Impact; Industry experience; Workforce diversity, Personnel %O cited By 6 %X As the global population raises, developing countries seem to have issues with the productivity of the construction projects due to high demand. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the effect of extrinsic diversity aspects impacting the construction worker efficiency. The data collection was made by a questionnaire sent to construction stakeholders working in the Punjab region of Pakistan. A comparison was drawn based on varied employee characteristics i.e., experiences and ages. It was found that old workers were negatively impacted by the distant location of the construction site. The young employees were most inclined towards holidays when working away from home. The access to basic amenities during a construction project was regarded as a major setback for the workers' productivity. Experienced workers preferred working within the vicinity and easy access to their houses. Based on the ethnicity factor while selecting the workforce, newcomers faced hurdles while entering the construction sector. © 2023 %D 2023 %L scholars18201 %V 14 %N 10 %T Extrinsic workforce diversity factors: An impact of employee characteristics on productivity %A A. Maqsoom %A M. Ali Musarat %A H. Mubbasit %A W. Salah Alaloul %A H. Ashraf %A M. Babar Ali Rabbani %A I. Shaheen %J Ain Shams Engineering Journal %R 10.1016/j.asej.2023.102170