%A A. Waqar %A L.A. Alharbi %A F. Abdullah Alotaibi %A I. Othman %A H. Almujibah %D 2023 %K Accident prevention; Factor analysis; Gas industry; Gases; Project management; Public utilities; Regression analysis; Structural analysis, Construction projects; Construction sites; Factors analysis; Internet of thing; Internet of things technologies; Modeling approach; Oil and gas; Oil and gas construction; Safety management; Structural equation models, Internet of things %L scholars18090 %O cited By 6 %X Several industries have adopted Internet of Things (IoT) technology extensively. Several impediments have impeded its widespread adoption in the oil and gas industry, making it challenging to supervise the safety of infrastructure projects involving these industries. The objective of this study was to catalogue and analyze the barriers to using IoT for ensuring safety on oil and gas development sites. The primary objective of the study was to develop a model of the barriers preventing the use of IoT for oil and gas safety management. Using a mixed-methods research strategy, the data collection and analysis were carried out. The survey information was analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). Five formative constructs emerged from the EFA and were confirmed by structural equation modelling: technical, organizational, integration, economic, and efficiency. Using SEM's path analysis, we determined that all five structures have a substantial impact on how oil and gas companies manage the safety of construction sites when utilizing IoT. The findings of this study could inform efforts to improve the safety management of oil and gas construction sites through IoT. Using the framework presented in this study, organizations in the gas and energy industry can eliminate the barriers to IoT deployment in building safety management. © 2023 Institution of Structural Engineers %J Structures %T Impediment to implementation of Internet of Things (IOT) for oil and gas construction project Safety: Structural equation modeling approach %R 10.1016/j.istruc.2023.105324 %V 57 %I Elsevier Ltd