%0 Conference Paper %A Vasant, P. %A Bhattacharya, A. %A Barsoum, N.N. %D 2005 %F scholars:18 %I Springer Verlag %K Decision making; Membership functions; Problem solving, Decision makers (DM); Multi-level of satisfaction (LOS); Multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problem, Fuzzy sets %N PART I %P 1294-1303 %T Fuzzy patterns in multi-level of satisfaction for MCDM model using modified smooth S-curve MF %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/18/ %V 3614 %X Present research work relates to a methodology using modified smooth logistic membership function (MF) in finding out fuzzy patterns in multi-level of satisfaction (LOS) for Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) problem. Flexibility of this MF in applying to real world problem has been validated through a detailed analysis. An example elucidating an MCDM model applied in an industrial engineering problem is considered to demonstrate the veracity of the proposed methodology. The key objective of this paper is to guide decision makers (DM) in finding out the best candidate-alternative with higher degree of satisfaction with lesser degree of vagueness under tripartite fuzzy environment. The approach presented here provides feedback to the decision maker, implementer and analyst. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005. %Z cited By 6; Conference of Second International Confernce on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2005 ; Conference Date: 27 August 2005 Through 29 August 2005; Conference Code:65829