%0 Conference Paper %A Ali, N.M.M. %A Tuselim, A.S.M. %A Abu Bakar, M.H. %A Kalam Azad, F.A.M.A. %A Azami, M.F. %A Rahim, L.A. %A Hashmani, M.A. %A May, Z. %A Rahman, N.A.A. %A Mahmud, M.S. %A Hashim, M.F. %D 2022 %F scholars:17355 %I Society of Petroleum Engineers %K Acoustic emission testing; Acoustic transducers; Corrosive effects; Data acquisition; Data handling; Deep learning; Gasoline; Life cycle; Pipelines; Risk assessment; Software testing; Wide area networks, Acoustic technology; High-accuracy; Onshore pipelines; Passive acoustics; PETRONAS; Pipeline failures; Pipeline integrity; Real-time data; Ultra long ranges; Unpiggable pipelines, Digital storage %R 10.2118/211845-MS %T Changing the Game of Unpiggable Pipeline Integrity: The Petronas Ultra Long Range Acoustic Technology (ORCA�) %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/17355/ %X This technology is created and developed by exploring and utilizing the capability of the passive acoustic-based which design intended to detect corrosion at unpiggable onshore pipeline without major modification or disrupting the operation. ORCA� technology consists of the capabilities and functionalities to perform analysis and assessment utilizing real-time and historical data to detect the corrosion behavior over the period. If these corrosions are injurious in nature, further response either immediate or schedule can be executed to prevent pipeline failure. The passive, low acoustic-based sensor installed at 2 ends of the pipeline which communicate through Data Acquisition System (DAQ) which subsequently transmit data via public mobile network linking through virtual private network, wide area network which transferred data storage to the digital server. A specialized analysis software capable of performing data pre-processing, cleansing, AE features identification & sizing with Deep Learning capability & post processing with determination of risk and integrity to facilitate system real time capability are also discussed in this technical paper. Acoustic Emission transducers installed between the test section and software to collect and filter the data. The technology has been deployed on one Feed Condensate pipeline back in 2020/21 with continuous data collection. Higher accuracy was achieved comparing against latest intelligent pigging (IP) data. The validation has been conducted by using Mean Absolute Error (MAE) method and API 1163 matrix and this higher accuracy level has been obtained through the maturity of deep learning in adapting with the environmental and process conditions. ORCA� has been approved for replication on PETRONAS 18 nos. of onshore unpiggable pipelines from 2022-2026. The positive value creation is estimated for long term application by 20 OPEX reduction over the life cycle. The technology will help to eliminate the occurrence of pipeline failure due to improper integrity management. In conclusion, ORCA� will change the way of managing the integrity of unpigable pipeline as previously ICDA & ECDA approached has been used in estimating the integrity condition of the pipeline. Copyright © 2022, Society of Petroleum Engineers. %Z cited By 0; Conference of Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2022, ADIPEC 2022 ; Conference Date: 31 October 2022 Through 3 November 2022; Conference Code:183923