%K Chemical activation; Electrophysiology; Functional neuroimaging; Hemodynamics; Infrared devices, Asymmetry; Cognitive loads; Cortex areas; Functional near-infrared signal; Functional-near infrared; Haemodynamic response; Index values; Infrared signal; Neuroimaging techniques; Prefrontal cortex, Electroencephalography %L scholars17260 %O cited By 0; Conference of 2022 International Conference on Future Trends in Smart Communities, ICFTSC 2022 ; Conference Date: 1 December 2022 Through 2 December 2022; Conference Code:186671 %X Investigations of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) asymmetry have been conducted in neuroscience research during cognitive load using +electroencephalography (EEG) and other neuroimaging techniques. A few studies used functional near-infrared signals (fNIRS) to analyze asymmetry during cognitive load. This study examined the hemodynamic response asymmetry in the PFC area during N-back load memory tasks, including ive, 2-, and 3-back electroencephalography (EEG) and other neuroimaging techniques. A few studies used functional near-infrared signals (fNIRS) to analyze asymmetry during cognitive load. This study examined the hemodynamic response asymmetry in the PFC area during N-back load memory tasks, including 1-, 2-, and 3-back. The investigation results show that the asymmetry index value fluctuates as the level of memory load rises. In particular, the 1-back task's positive asymmetry index value (M = 0.2761,SD = 0.4139) suggested that left-hemisphere activity was more remarkable than right-hemisphere activation. The asymmetry index, on the other hand, revealed a negative value of (M =-0.2105,SD= 0.4252) and (M =-0.3665,SD = 1.2472) for the 2-back and 3-back memory tasks, respectively, indicating that the right hemisphere experienced a more significant increase in Hbo activation than the left. © 2022 IEEE. %A M.S. Al-Quraishi %A N.M. Saad %A C. Guillet %A F. Merienne %D 2022 %I Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. %P 109-113 %T Hemodynamic Response Asymmetry of the Prefrontal Cortex during a Cognitive Load Task %J 2022 International Conference on Future Trends in Smart Communities, ICFTSC 2022 %R 10.1109/ICFTSC57269.2022.10040058