%A M. Noman %A M. Yaqub %A M. Abid %A M.A. Musarat %A N.I. Vatin %A M. Usman %D 2022 %O cited By 8 %X Researchers have conducted numerous investigations on various repair techniques to restore the mechanical properties of fire-damaged concrete. However, most of the techniques are either expensive or require high technical skills. As a continuous work, this study involved an experimental investigation of the effects of various low-cost repair techniques to restore the mechanical properties of fire-damaged concrete. Sixty cylindrical concrete samples were subjected to heat ranging from 400°C to 800°C in a propane gas furnace. The samples were categorized into six groups, including the following: undamaged, fire-damaged, and fire-damaged and repaired using water curing; fire-damaged and repaired using cement-based slurry injection; re-curing fire-damaged and repaired with steel wire mesh along with epoxy resin wrapping; and fire-damaged and repaired using epoxy injection. The samples were tested for non-destructive and destructive tests, including ultrasonic pulse velocity, rebound hammer, and compressive strength. The results showed that the use of cement-based slurry injection along with the water-curing repair technique could regain almost 90 of its ultimate strength and secant stiffness, making it the most effective low-cost repair technique for fire-damaged concrete exposed up to 700°C. Copyright © 2022 Noman, Yaqub, Abid, Musarat, Vatin and Usman. %K Cements; Compressive strength; Concretes; Costs; Curing; Epoxy resins; Fires; Nondestructive examination; Restoration; Ultrasonic testing, Cement-based; Experimental investigations; Fire damaged concretes; Low-cost repair; Low-costs; Post-fire; Post-fire curing; Repair techniques; Slurry injection; Technical skills, Stiffness %L scholars17167 %R 10.3389/fmats.2021.801464 %V 8 %J Frontiers in Materials %T Effects of Low-Cost Repair Techniques on Restoration of Mechanical Properties of Fire-Damaged Concrete %I Frontiers Media S.A.