%J Chemosphere %T The development of sustainable IoT E-waste management guideline for households %R 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.134767 %V 303 %I Elsevier Ltd %D 2022 %A M.M. Razip %A K.S. Savita %A K.S. Kalid %A M.N. Ahmad %A M. Zaffar %A E.E. Abdul Rahim %A D. Baleanu %A A. Ahmadian %L scholars16440 %K Digital devices; Electronic Waste; Wastes, E-waste generations; E-wastes; Government agencies; Guideline; Household; Malaysia; Policy makers; Strategy implementations; Strategy planning; Sustainable, Internet of things, electronic waste; guideline; Internet; policy making; spatiotemporal analysis; strategic approach; sustainability, article; carbon emission; e-waste; exploratory research; government; household; internet of things; Malaysia; practice guideline; waste management; electronics; procedures; waste; waste management, Malaysia, carbon, Carbon; Electronic Waste; Electronics; Garbage; Waste Management %X The introduction of new technology, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), entails a growth in digital devices, which could ultimately result in a high amount of electronic trash (e-waste) production if they are not appropriately managed. Apart from that, the regulation on possible �IoT E-waste� generation is yet to be regulated, probably due to the new development and implementation of IoT globally. Hence, this paper proposed a Sustainable IoT E-waste Management guideline for households. This guideline could assist government agencies and policymakers in their strategies, planning, development, and implementation of a sustainable household IoT e-waste management initiatives in Malaysia. This study is an exploratory study that adopts a qualitative case study research method. The guideline was developed based on the Integrated Sustainable Waste Management (ISWM) Model. This guideline contributes to Malaysia's sustainability agenda in reducing carbon emissions intensity towards 2030 by 45 percent. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd %O cited By 10