%T Exergy, advance exergy, and exergo-environmental based assessment of alkanol amine- and piperazine-based solvents for natural gas purification %J Chemosphere %V 307 %R 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2022.136001 %I Elsevier Ltd %D 2022 %A B. Kazmi %A S. Ali Ammar Taqvi %A F. Raza %A J. Haider %A S.R. Naqvi %A M.S. Khan %A A. Ali %L scholars16258 %K Air purification; Blending; Carbon dioxide; Energy dissipation; Energy harvesting; Ethanolamines; Exergy; Gas industry; Gases; Natural gas; Solvents, Advance exergy; Alkanols; Energy; Exergoenvironment; Exergy destructions; Gas sweetenings; Monoethanolamine; Natural gas purifications; Natural gas sweetening; Tertiary amine, Amines, energy efficiency; energy management; gas field; natural gas; purification; separation, Baluchistan; Pakistan, amine; carbon dioxide; ethanolamine; natural gas; piperazine; solvent; water, ecosystem, Amines; Carbon Dioxide; Ecosystem; Ethanolamine; Natural Gas; Piperazine; Solvents; Water %X Purification of Natural gas is vital for utilizing it as a source of energy harvesting for the world. Amine-based chemical absorption technique is the most utilized in the gas field for the purification of gas that ensures the purity of the sweet gas stream with the elimination of carbon dioxide. However, it is considered an energy-intensive process to deal with considerable energy loss and environmental damage to the ecosystem. Five cases have been developed in this study based on various blends comprising mono and tertiary amines in combination with piperazine with a focus on the use of Aqueous Monodiethanolamine (Aq. MDEA), Aqueous Monoethanolamine (Aq. MEA) and piperazine (Pz) for the CO2 sequestration from the sour natural gas extracted from the remote location located in the province of Baluchistan in Pakistan. The use of exergy, advanced exergy, and exergo environment for optimizing and selecting a suitable solvent combination that may result in an effective separation process has been proposed. Five cases have been developed based on various blends such as mono and tertiary amines combined with piperazine. From the results of all the studied scenarios, Case IV, based on the combination of Aqueous monoethanolamine and piperazine, provides reduced exergy destruction of 2551.7 KW. It was observed that the maximum removal of CO2 around 99.87 wt is achieved in case IV. In addition, advance exergy analysis also highlights that case-IV has a venue of 25 exergy destruction avoidable, which would further enhance its performance. Nevertheless, still, case-IV has 75 exergy destruction unavoidable. The environmental factors show that Case-IV has a reduced exergy destruction factor of 0.96, a highly environmentally benign choice as a solvent with a high value of 1.03, and case-IV has the higher operational stability and higher exergy efficiency with an exergy stability value of 0.40. Therefore, monoethanolamine combined with piperazine to be an effective and efficient solvent blend that could be an energy-effective approach for sweetening the natural gas. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd %O cited By 11