%D 2022 %A B.C. Ekeoma %A M. Yusuf %A K. Johari %A B. Abdullah %N 98 %X Dry reforming of methane (DRM) emerged as a green alternative to utilize major greenhouse gases (GHG's) and produce syngas. However, the main limitations of DRM are sintering and coking of catalyst. In recent decade the Ni-based catalysts has been meticulously studied for DRM reaction since noble metal-based catalysts can't be commercialized due to economic constraints. The catalyst support, synthesis techniques, effect of promoters can significantly affect the catalyst performance. Mesoporous silica (MS) supported catalysts emerged as a promising material due to their enhanced applications in catalysts with significantly high surface areas, thermal stability, and easy availability. Till date no separate study has been carried out focusing the MS as catalyst support for DRM. This comprehensive review highlights the recent advances in MS supported catalysts for DRM. Further, it focuses on reaction mechanism, reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, effect of catalyst support, synthesis route and effect of promoters on DRM performance. © 2022 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC %O cited By 36 %L scholars16059 %K Greenhouse gases; Mesoporous materials; Methane; Precious metals; Reaction kinetics; Silica; Sintering; Synthesis gas; Thermodynamics, Catalysts support; Dry reforming-of-methane; Effect of promoters; Greenhouse gas'S; Greenhouses gas; Mesoporous silicas; Ni-based catalyst; Silica-supported catalysts; Syn gas; ]+ catalyst, Catalyst supports %V 47 %R 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.05.297 %J International Journal of Hydrogen Energy %T Mesoporous silica supported Ni-based catalysts for methane dry reforming: A review of recent studies %P 41596-41620 %I Elsevier Ltd