%R 10.1007/978-981-33-6311-3₁₀₁ %V 132 %J Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering %T Ground response analysis for stiff and soft soil under different earthquake events: A comparison %I Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH %P 891-898 %A M. Mazlina %A M.S. Liew %A A. Adnan %A I.S.H. Harahap %A N.H. Hamid %D 2021 %O cited By 0; Conference of 6th International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering, ICCOEE 2020 ; Conference Date: 13 July 2021 Through 15 July 2021; Conference Code:253689 %X This research work focusing on site ground response analysis of stiff and soft soil from several sites in Peninsular Malaysia Operation based on PETRONAS offshore region classification. The main purpose is to determine how these sites will react under seismic loading in terms of peak surface acceleration, response spectra and soil amplification factor under different earthquake events. A developed 1 Dimensional nonlinear analysis program known as NERA, were adopted to analyse layered soil deposits to predict site response. Six sites in peninsular Malaysian water which are classified as stiff and soft soil were analysed using six earthquake events based on time history for 1000 years return period. Findings show that, amplification occur between predicted bedrock and seabed which increased the amount of vibration received by seabed as well as offshore facilities. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2021. %K Engineering research; Nonlinear analysis; Offshore oil well production; Soils, Earthquake events; Ground response analysis; Nonlinear analysis program; Offshore facilities; Region classifications; Response spectra; Soil amplification factors; Surface acceleration, Earthquakes %L scholars15919