%0 Conference Paper %A Musa, S.A. %A Awang, M. %A El-Khatib, N. %A Demiral, B. %D 2011 %F scholars:1591 %K 2-D model; Compositional simulation; Enhanced oil recovery; Finite difference; reservoir modeling; WAG process, Enhanced recovery; Heavy oil production; Partial differential equations; Sustainable development; Two dimensional, Mathematical models %R 10.1109/NatPC.2011.6136537 %T Two-dimensional mathematical model for Heat Assisted WAG with Chemical Additives for heavy oil recovery %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/1591/ %X This paper is an extension of previous work 1 and describe a two dimensional (2-D) mathematical model, developed to simulate the heavy oil recovery process through the use of Heat Assisted WAG with Chemical Additives to reduce viscous fingering and gas override occurrence, which limits the efficiency of the WAG process. In this study we present a 2-D compositional mathematical model formulation and numerical solution for the process, with incorporating the important physical phenomena occurring during the process. The fully implicit finite difference approximation was used to convert the partial differential equation of the model into algebraic equations. The non linear Newtown-Raphson method was used for the solution of the resulting equations. The Jacobian of the residual equations was evaluated. The description of 2-D developed model discussed here will be useful to study the viscous fingering and gas override predictive models. © 2011 IEEE. %Z cited By 0; Conference of 3rd National Postgraduate Conference - Energy and Sustainability: Exploring the Innovative Minds, NPC 2011 ; Conference Date: 19 September 2011 Through 20 September 2011; Conference Code:88531