%P 676-681 %O cited By 8; Conference of 2011 IEEE 9th International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, PEDS 2011 ; Conference Date: 5 December 2011 Through 8 December 2011; Conference Code:88711 %C Singapore %K Cascaded H-bridge; Cascaded inverters; Control techniques; Distribution network; Extensive simulations; Four-wire distribution systems; Harmonic currents; Matlab/Simulink software; Multilevel inverter; Neutral conductor; Nonlinear load; P-q theory; Power factors; Seven-level; Shunt active power filters; Source currents; Three-phase four-wire; Total harmonic distortions; Voltage source inverter, Electric power factor correction; Power electronics; Reactive power, Electric inverters %T Seven-level cascaded inverter based shunt active power filter in four-wire distribution system %J Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems %A I.A. Izzeldin %A K.S. Rama Rao %A N. Perumal %R 10.1109/PEDS.2011.6147325 %X This paper presents a compensating system for the harmonic currents, the reactive power and source neutral conductor current in three-phase four-wire distribution system by using seven-level cascaded H-bridge voltage source inverter (CHB-VSI) based shunt active power filter (SAPF). The distribution network which supplies mixed non-linear loads and employing multilevel inverter (MLI) based SAPF is simulated by MATLAB/SIMULINK software. The analysis on performance of SAPF using the proposed control technique based on p-q theory is carried out on the total harmonic distortion of source current, power factor and reactive power. Besides, it is illustrated by extensive simulation results, the effectiveness of CHB-VSI based SAPF on source neutral conductor current. © 2011 IEEE. %D 2011 %L scholars1556