%J 17th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2011 %T Adaptive duty cycle using density control in multihop wireless sensor networks %A A. Awang %A X. Lagrange %A D. Ros %R 10.1109/APCC.2011.6152791 %X One of the primary mechanisms to mitigate idling energy consumption and reduce communication activities in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is to put nodes to low duty cycle operation as long as possible. Keeping a small time window (the listen period) is a challenging task, and thus requires appropriate tailoring of duty cycle so as not to compromise network performance. In this work, we explore an adaptive duty cycle mechanism for scheduling a node to sleep mode using node density. A forwarding candidate assesses its vicinity and adaptively adjusts its duty cycle. We show via simulation that the adaptive duty cycle mechanism can reduce the energy usage and prolong the network lifetime for the data delivery toward the sink. © 2011 IEEE. %D 2011 %L scholars1549 %C Kota Kinabalu, Sabah %P 127-132 %O cited By 6; Conference of 17th Asia Pacific Conference on Communications, APCC 2011 ; Conference Date: 2 October 2011 Through 5 October 2011; Conference Code:88886 %K Communication activities; Data delivery; Duty cycles; energy; Energy usage; Low duty-cycles; Multihop wireless; network lifetime; Node density; Primary mechanism; SLEEP mode; Time windows; Wireless sensor network (WSNs), Density control (specific gravity); Energy utilization; Network performance, Sensor nodes