%P 935-938 %R 10.1109/CHUSER.2011.6163875 %T A preliminary study on application of discriminant analysis for classification of controlled source electromagnetics data %J 2011 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering, CHUSER 2011 %X Marine Controlled Source Electro-Magnetic (CSEM) for hydrocarbon exploration survey data can be classified into two groups. The ability to classify the raw survey data is crucial since this classification may indicate the presence of hydrocarbon. This paper presents the preliminary results of applying discriminant analysis in classifying CSEM data into dichotomous groups based on their electric field (E-field) and magnetic field (B-field) values. Two types of data, with and without hydrocarbon, were simulated and used to develop the discriminant model. Statistical analysis is carried out to test the significance of the discriminant function as a whole, the discrimination between groups and the extent to which that variable makes a unique contribution to the prediction of group membership. The results obtain indicates the potential of the discriminant analysis in classifying the data. © 2011 IEEE. %C Penang %O cited By 0; Conference of 2011 IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering, CHUSER 2011 ; Conference Date: 5 December 2011 Through 6 December 2011; Conference Code:89137 %L scholars1534 %K Controlled source; Discriminant functions; Discriminant models; E-field; Electromagnetics; Group memberships; Hydrocarbon exploration; Survey data, Classification (of information); Computer simulation; Electric fields; Hydrocarbons; Magnetic fields; Surveys, Discriminant analysis %D 2011 %A A. Shafie %A M. Abdulkarim %A W.F.W. Ahmad