relation: title: Environmental hazard assessment of industrial and municipal waste materials with the applications of RES2-D method and 3-D Oasis Montaj modeling: A case study at Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Peninsula Malaysia creator: Arifin, M.H. creator: Kayode, J.S. creator: Ismail, M.K.I. creator: Abdullah, A.M. creator: Embrandiri, A. creator: Nazer, N.S.M. creator: Azmi, A. description: Environmental hazards, industrial, and municipal wastes geochemical and geophysical assessments were carried out at an industrial waste disposal (IWD) site at Bukit Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. RES2-D geophysical method was applied, capable of identification and quantification of the industrial wastes; buried hazardous materials (BHM) and their effects on the subsurface stratum, from the moderately saturated zones, to fully saturated zones housing the aquifer units underneath the water table. Six RES2-D survey profiles were respectively acquired along E-W, and N-S directions. The perpendicular arrangement of the RES2-D survey lines, was tenaciously designed to make possible, the industrial waste materials (IWM)and municipal solid waste (MSW) quantification, with sufficient length of survey lines set at 200 m, and electrode spacing of 5 m, to cover as much details segments of the IWM and MSW as possible. The six RES2-D inversion results, helped in the subsurface stratum classification into three layers, namely; soft layers, which encompasses the waste materials, with varied resistivity values i.e., 0�100 Ω-m, at 10�15 m depths. The consolidated layers produced varied resistivity values i.e., 101�400 Ω-m, at 15�20 m depths. The bedrock has the highest resistivity values i.e., 401�2000 Ω-m, at depths > 20 m. The estimated volume of the waste materials was 312,000 m 3, using 3-D Oasis Montaj modeling via rectangular prism model generated from the inverted RES2-D. Results from the geochemical analysis helped in the validation of the site as a potential contaminated zone with severe health effects. © 2020 The Authors publisher: Elsevier B.V. date: 2021 type: Article type: PeerReviewed identifier: Arifin, M.H. and Kayode, J.S. and Ismail, M.K.I. and Abdullah, A.M. and Embrandiri, A. and Nazer, N.S.M. and Azmi, A. (2021) Environmental hazard assessment of industrial and municipal waste materials with the applications of RES2-D method and 3-D Oasis Montaj modeling: A case study at Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Peninsula Malaysia. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 406. ISSN 03043894 relation: relation: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124282 identifier: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124282