%P 3327-3344 %I Elsevier B.V. %R 10.1016/j.aej.2021.01.060 %V 60 %J Alexandria Engineering Journal %T Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry for engine flow measurements: Principles and applications %X There is an upsurge in the drive for better understanding of the processes, which control the combustion in modern engines. Large-scale intake generated flow structures, such as swirl and tumble, are known to have a significant effect on the combustion behaviour and have been widely studied by the automotive research community. Traditionally, the standard tools available to assess the in-cylinder flow behaviour inside an engine are either steady-state flow rigs or research engines with optical access. Steady-state flow rigs are used to evaluate the bulk motion using some integral parameters. Whilst the optical measurements are used to investigate detailed in-cylinder flow conditions. To assess the recent developments, principles and applications of stereoscopic particle image velocimetry to engine flow measurements are presented and discussed. © 2021 THE AUTHORS %O cited By 3 %L scholars14899 %K Combustion; Engines; Flow visualization; Optical data processing; Steady flow; Stereo image processing; Velocimeters; Velocity measurement, Combustion behaviours; In-cylinder flows; Integral parameters; Optical access; Optical measurement; Research communities; Steady-state flows; Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry, Flow measurement %D 2021 %A M. El-Adawy %A M.R. Heikal %A A. Rashid A. Aziz %A R. Adewale Opatola %N 3