%R 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.125364 %V 415 %T Cumulative impact assessment of hazardous ionic liquids towards aquatic species using risk assessment methods %J Journal of Hazardous Materials %I Elsevier B.V. %A M.I. Khan %A M. Mubashir %A D. Zaini %A M.H. Mahnashi %A B.A. Alyami %A A.O. Alqarni %A P.L. Show %D 2021 %O cited By 13 %X In the present research work, a comprehensive tool for cumulative ecotoxicological impact assessment of ionic liquids (ILs) to aquatic life has been constructed. Using the probabilistic tool, impact of individual ILs to a group of aquatic species is assessed by chemical toxicity distributions (CTDs). The impact of group of ILs to individual aquatic species is assessed by species sensitivity distributions (SSDs). Acute toxicity data of imidazolium ILs with chloride (Cl�), bromide (Br�), tetrafluoroborate (BF4�), and hexafluorophosphate (PF6�) anions are used in CTD and SSD. Allowable concentrations for a group of Imidazolium ILs with the same mode of action (SMOA) to five aquatic species; Daphnia magna, Vibrio fischeri, Algae, Zebrafish, and Escherichia coli are estimated by CTDs. It has been concluded that 1-Butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCl) possess the lowest risk at an acceptable risk value of 750 � 10�5 mmol/L which is 12 less than that of OMIMCl. Furthermore, the sensitivities towards the aquatic species reveal that from the studied ILs, BMIMBF4 with an acceptable risk value of 3200 � 10�5 mmol/L is the most suitable IL towards the selected aquatic species. Hence, current work provides cumulative allowable concentrations and acceptable risk values for ILs which release to aquatic compartment of ecosystem. © 2021 Elsevier B.V. %K Aquatic ecosystems; Chlorine compounds; Escherichia coli; Hazards; Ionic liquids; Population distribution; Probability distributions; Risk perception; Toxicity, Aquatic life safety; Aquatic species; Chemical toxicity; Cumulative impact assessment; Eco-toxicology; Hazardous ionic liquid; Imidazolium ionic liquids; Risk value; Risks assessments; Species sensitivity distributions, Risk assessment, 1 butyl 3 methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate; 1 butyl 3 methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate; bromide; chloride; imidazole derivative; ionic liquid, aquatic ecosystem; aquatic organism; chemical compound; concentration (composition); drug; ionic liquid; risk assessment; toxicity, acute toxicity; alga; aquatic species; Article; concentration (parameter); controlled study; Daphnia magna; ecotoxicity; ecotoxicology; environmental impact assessment; Escherichia coli; hazard assessment; nonhuman; risk assessment; zebra fish; Aliivibrio fischeri; animal; ecosystem; risk assessment, Danio rerio; Daphnia magna; Escherichia coli; Vibrio fischeri, Aliivibrio fischeri; Animals; Ecosystem; Ionic Liquids; Risk Assessment; Zebrafish %L scholars14578