%T Highly porous Zr-MCM-48 immobilized Cu-porphyrin for photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to methanol in a slurry reactor %J Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics %A S. Nadeem %A A. Mumtaz %A M.S. Alnarabiji %A M.I.A. Mutalib %A B. Abdullah %R 10.1007/s10854-021-06676-x %N 17 %X This study involves the development of novel mesoporous Zr-MCM-48 photocatalyst impregnated with Cu-porphyrin (CuTPP) having Si/Zr ratio of 100, 50 and 25. The synthesized materials were applied as hybrid photocatalyst affording mid-gap energy states and Zi3+ sites for reduction of CO2 into methanol selectively using UV�Visible light treatment. Interestingly, Zr-MCM-48 displayed significant photocatalytic reduction ability under UV�Vis wavelength. The bare Zr-based MCM-48(25) matrix with maximum Zr content in catalyst enhanced the photocatalytic activity with 47.5 µmol methanol formation, possessing high surface area SBET of 1324 m2 g�1, under UV�Visible light irradiation. The characterization results highlighted the influence of visible light active Cu-porphyrin interaction over Zr-MCM-48 silica frameworks due to transition of electrons from the porphyrin centres to the active Zr sites as evident from DRS analysis. Moreover, the impregnation of Cu-porphyrin over Zr-MCM-48(25) displayed methanol formation about 365.11 µmol under UV�Visible light using 0.1 M NaOH and 0.1 M Na2SO3. Also, the effect of varying reaction conditions shown that catalyst concentration, metal loading, light intensity and stirring speed pronouncedly impact the formation of methanol. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. %V 32 %L scholars14525 %D 2021 %P 22060-22075 %O cited By 3 %I Springer %K Carbon dioxide; Catalyst activity; Hybrid materials; Light; Methanol; Photocatalytic activity; Porphyrins; Silica; Sodium hydroxide; Sodium sulfite; Zirconium, Catalyst concentration; High surface area; Hybrid photocatalysts; Methanol formations; Photocatalytic reduction; Reaction conditions; Synthesized materials; Visible-light irradiation, Copper compounds