%0 Journal Article %@ 09335137 %A Azeem, M. %A Ya, H.H. %A Alam, M.A. %A Sultan, T.H. %A Ali, M. %A Sattar, M. %A Ahmad, T. %A Hatami, H. %A Sadique, M.R. %A Mokhtar, A.A. %A Mustapha, M. %A Khan, M.A. %A Masood, F. %D 2021 %F scholars:14394 %I John Wiley and Sons Inc %J Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik %K Damage detection; Failure (mechanical); Failure modes; Laminated composites; Simulation platform; Velocity, Composite laminate; Hashin damage; Hybrid composite laminate; Hybrid composites; Hybrid laminates; Low velocity impact; Macroscales; Performance; Stacking sequence; Sub-surface damage, Hybrid composites %N 10 %P 1101-1111 %R 10.1002/mawe.202000325 %T Macroscale assessment of low-velocity impact on hybrid composite laminates Makroskalige Bewertung des Einflusses niedriger Aufprallgeschwindigkeit auf hybride Verbundlaminate %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/14394/ %V 52 %X Composites are usually brittle materials and have low impact properties. Structural dimensions, stacking sequence, ply materials, ply thicknesses and ply angles are standard variables that influence composite�s performance against impact loads. Stacking sequence in hybrid laminates affects the failure and impact resistance. Failure mechanisms at the low-velocity impact of a rigid object in hybrid laminates are complex, and the subsurface damage in a composite laminate cannot be detected directly. However, various simulation platforms make it easy to see the impact damage between the plies of laminate. This paper numerically investigated the effect of stack sequence and hybridization of two fiber types against low-velocity impact. The current study adopted four-layer composite laminates of carbon and glass fiber layers with a stacking plan C/C/C/C, C/G/C/G and G/C/G/C, having lay-up angles as 0°/45°/�45°/90°. Keeping the impactor mass and the incident velocity constant, the laminates were subjected to low-velocity impact. The damage contours for a failure mode were recorded and compared at the ply level. The numerical study resulted in impact imitations showing comparisons of the damage contours using Hashin failure criteria. Hybrid laminates display better performance in absorbing impact energies; however, hybrid laminates experienced more subsurface damage due to more impact energy absorption. © 2021 Wiley-VCH GmbH %Z cited By 1