%0 Journal Article %@ 09277757 %A Al-Yaseri, A. %A Abdulelah, H. %A Yekeen, N. %A Ali, M. %A Negash, B.M. %A Zhang, Y. %D 2021 %F scholars:14355 %I Elsevier B.V. %J Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects %K Carbon; Organic carbon; Quartz; Surface tension, Australia; Cap rock; Carbon geo-sequestration; Carbon percentages; Laboratory measurements; New South Wales; Pressure and temperature; Storage sites; Structural trapping; Total Organic Carbon, Carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide; silicon dioxide, Article; Australia; carbon sequestration; chemical interaction; controlled study; density; hydrophobicity; New South Wales; pressure; reduction (chemistry); storage; surface property; temperature; tension; total organic carbon %R 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.127118 %T Assessment of CO2/shale interfacial tension %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/14355/ %V 627 %X Caprocks/CO2 interfacial tension (γsc) is an essential parameter that helps to provide insights into the interaction between CO2and caprocks. Lower values of γsc suggest stronger CO2- caprocks interaction (lower CO2capacity is inferred) and vice versa. Rocks/CO2 interfacial tension also explains why different minerals have different wettability to CO2 at the same pressure and temperature. Two caprock samples acquired from a potential CO2 storage site in New South Wales in Australia were used in this work. All the laboratory measurements were conducted at varying pressure from 5 MPa to 20 MPa and a temperature of 343 K. Our findings suggest that solid/CO2 interfacial tension (γsc) in caprocks is highly dependent on total organic carbon (TOC) percentage, pressure, and quartz content. γsc in sample-2 of higher TOC and quartz (TOC =0.11 wt, quartz = 62) is lower than γsc in sample-1 of lower TOC and quartz (TOC =0.081 wt, quartz = 31. The higher percentage of TOC and quartz increases the hydrophobic sites available in the sample, allowing stronger affinity towards CO2. Lower interfacial tension implies a stronger affinity of CO2 towards caprock surface (the high chance that CO2 will enter through caprocks and causes leakage). Therefore, it can be inferred that high TOC caprocks offer a lower CO2 trapping integrity, hence reducing their CO2 storage capacity. A remarkable relationship between solid/CO2 interfacial tension and CO2 density�which is easy to determine � at different pressures (up to 20 MPa) and 343 K temperature was also demonstrated in this work. This insight can significantly enhance Carbon Geosequestration processes' fundamental understanding. © 2021 Elsevier B.V. %Z cited By 33