%A N.A.W. Abdullah Zawawi %A M.S. Liew %A L.E. Shawn %A W.S. Alaloul %A I. Toloue %A M.H. Mohd %A M.A.A. Rahman %A M.N. Nazri %A C.-H. Tan %A Y. Mohamad %A C.-S. Lim %A B. Mustapa %A H. Shaari %A Y.-S. Hii %A M. Nasahie Akbar Ali %A M. Izzat Thiyauddin %A M.A. Karim %D 2020 %K Decommissioning (nuclear reactors); Fisheries; Offshore oil well production; Offshore oil wells; Offshore structures; Remotely operated vehicles; Tropics, Colonization process; Decommission; Environmental science; Hydrodynamic model; Potential sources; Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV); Spawning grounds; Substrate availabilities, Reefs %L scholars13857 %O cited By 0; Conference of SPE Symposium on Decommissioning and Abandonment 2019 ; Conference Date: 3 December 2019 Through 4 December 2019; Conference Code:157063 %X Reefing of Oil and Gas structure has become as one of the emerging options for decommissioning of an O&G Structure offshore and requires expert input beyond engineering such as biomarine and environmental sciences. This paper will present the interdisciplinary collaborative effort by industries with academia in Malaysia in developing a reef viability index as the first high level screening to assess the suitability of decommissioning using the reefing option in the region. The results of the reef viability index formulation to identify an offshore area that potential to be used for Rigs-to-Reefs (RTR) program in the South China Sea. The integration of data collection, numerical modelling and Geographic Information System (GIS) aims to review the relationship of coral reefs spawning ground, diversity and planula larvae in the colonization process which to produce a reefing area map. Coral connectivity and spawning behaviour were investigated to reveal the potential source of coral seedling as well as the number of coral larvae based on different taxa released during the spawning seasons. A spatial reef viability index was developed based on seven parameters, i.e. coral larval density, pelagic larval duration, sea currents, temperature, chlorophyll-a, depth, and substrate availability. Hydrodynamic model was developed to emulate the pattern of larval scattering. Based on the simulation and rankings, there were 95 (21) sites that are most likely for in-situ reefing while the remaining 358 (79) sites were probably suitable for ex-situ reefing or decommissioning. Validation of the viability index was done using Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) media footage assessment. © Copyright 2019, Society of Petroleum Engineers %J Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Symposium: Decommissioning and Abandonment 2019 %T Potential of offshore structure as artificial reefs in shallow tropical water %I Society of Petroleum Engineers