%V 8 %I Elsevier Ltd %A N. Shafie %A T.N.T. Shahdan %A M.S. Liew %T Mastery Learning Assessment Model (MLAM) in teaching and learning mathematics %P 294-298 %X This study examined the effectiveness of Mastery Learning Assessment Model (MLAM) in teaching and learning mathematics at a private university, namely UNIRAZAK, Malaysia. MLAM was based on repeating similar assessments through a mastery learning remodel from previous researchers. In this study presented herein, a sample size of 30 was collected and surveyed using continuous assessments and the findings showed that a positive correlation (r=0.77) exists between the MLAM score and the final exam result. Based on the Teaching Evaluation Results (TER), a majority of the students were also satisfied with this approach. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. %L scholars1349 %J Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences %O cited By 14 %R 10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.12.040 %D 2010