%0 Conference Paper %A Ariwahjoedi, B. %A Fuad, Kh. %A Ariefin, M. %D 2010 %F scholars:1334 %I Electrochemical Society Inc. %K Atmospheric pressure; Electrochemistry; Microelectronics; Silica; Silicon oxides; Sodium chloride, Ambient conditions; Electrochemical synthesis; IV characterization; Microelectronic industry; Rice husk; Silicon tetrachloride; Sodium chloride (NaCl), Atmospheric temperature %N 16 %P 45-56 %R 10.1149/1.3490301 %T Direct solid-state electrochemical synthesis of silicon tetrachloride from silica at ambient temperatures and pressures %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/1334/ %V 28 %X Silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4) is one of the most important chemical compounds in the microelectronic industries. Commercial scale synthesis of SiCl4 is usually performed by roasting silica (SiO2) and cokes (C) under flowing chlorine (Cl2) gas at temperatures �900°C. At room temperatures and atmospheric pressures, the formation of SiCl4 from Cl2, SiO2 and C can be calculated to be favorable with �Greaction as low as -120.77 kJ/mol. This paper reports the use of I-V characterization technique in ambient conditions SiCl4 synthesis via direct solid state electrochemical synthesis reaction, starting with sodium chloride (NaCl), rice-husk derived-SiO 2, and C (graphite/charcoal mixture). ©The Electrochemical Society. %Z cited By 2