%P R1 %T Removal notice to �Hydrocarbon reserves of the south China sea: Implications for regional energy security� Energy Geosci. 1/1-2 (2020) 1-7 (Energy Geoscience (2020) 1/1-2(1-7 (S2666759220300044), (10.1016/j.engeos.2020.04.002)) %I KeAi Communications Co. %V 1 %A M. Ramkumar %A M. Santosh %A M.J. Mathew %A D. Menier %A R. Nagarajan %A B. Sautter %O cited By 0 %L scholars12917 %J Energy Geoscience %D 2020 %R 10.1016/j.engeos.2020.06.001 %N 1-2 %X Available online This article has been removed: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal (https://www.elsevier.com/about/our-business/policies/article-withdrawal). This article has been removed at the request of all the Authors, the Editor-in-Chief and the owner of the journal. The article has been removed because it inadvertently included unlawful content. © 2020 %K Hydrocarbons; Marine biology, Elsevier; Energy; Flash points; Geosciences; Hydrocarbon reserves; Hydrocarbon-flashpoint; Marine resources; South China sea, Energy security