%0 Journal Article %@ 02504707 %A Maitra, S. %A Ahmad, F. %A Das, A.K. %A Das, S. %A Dutta, B.K. %D 2010 %F scholars:1277 %J Bulletin of Materials Science %K Curing condition; Curing process; Curing time; Free CaO; Ionic additives; Processing condition; Reaction orders; Steam curing; Under water, Association reactions; Curing; Fly ash; Ionization of liquids; Lime; Powders; Rate constants, Reaction kinetics %N 2 %P 185-190 %R 10.1007/s12034-010-0026-8 %T Effect of curing conditions and ionic additives on properties of fly ash-lime compacts %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/1277/ %V 33 %X Abstract. In the present work the reaction between fly ash and lime in fly ash-lime compacts under water curing and steam curing conditions was studied thoroughly in relation to the processing conditions. Fly ash from different sources were collected, characterized, mixed with lime in different ratios and compacted. The compacts were cured with water and steam separately. The reduction in the free CaO content in these compacts was measured as a function of curing time and curing process. Role of two ionic additives, FeCl3 and MgCl2, on the reaction between fly ash and lime was also investigated by measuring the free CaO content. Kinetics of these reactions was studied by determining the reaction order and rate constants with respect to the free CaO content and it was observed that the curing conditions and additives affected the reaction kinetics significantly. © Indian Academy of Sciences. %Z cited By 7