%0 Journal Article %@ 02731223 %A Mohajeri, S. %A Aziz, H.A. %A Isa, M.H. %A Zahed, M.A. %A Bashir, M.J.K. %A Adlan, Mohd.N. %D 2010 %F scholars:1255 %J Water Science and Technology %K Aluminum electrodes; Central composite designs; COD; Coefficient of determination; Color removal; Control factors; Electrolyte concentration; Experimental data; Laboratory scale; Landfill site; Leachates; Malaysia; Optimized conditions; Reaction time; Response surface methodology; Second-order regression model; Semi-aerobic landfill, Color; Electrochemical cells; Electrochemical oxidation; Electrolytes; Leachate treatment; Leaching; Optimization; Oxygen; Refuse disposal; Regression analysis; Sodium chloride; Surface properties, Chemical oxygen demand, aluminum; electrolyte; hydroflumethiazide, chemical oxygen demand; color; composite; electrochemistry; electrode; electrolyte; experimental study; landfill; leachate; optimization; oxic conditions; oxidation; pollutant removal; variance analysis, article; chemical oxygen demand; composite material; controlled study; decolorization; density; electrochemical analysis; electrochemical oxidation; electrolyte balance; landfill leachate; Malaysia; oxidation; process design; rating scale; reaction time; response surface method; sodium electrode; waste management, Aerobiosis; Color; Electrochemistry; Electrodes; Electrolytes; Equipment Design; Hydrogen; Models, Chemical; Models, Statistical; Oxygen; Refuse Disposal; Software; Waste Disposal, Fluid; Water Pollutants, Chemical; Water Purification %N 5 %P 1257-1266 %R 10.2166/wst.2010.018 %T Application of the central composite design for condition optimization for semi-aerobic landfill leachate treatment using electrochemical oxidation %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/1255/ %V 61 %X In the present study, Electrochemical Oxidation was used to remove COD and color from semi-aerobic landfill leachate collected from Pulau Burung Landfill Site (PBLS), Penang, Malaysia. Experiments were conducted in a batch laboratory-scale system in the presence of NaCl as electrolyte and aluminum electrodes. Central composite design (CCD) under Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize the electrochemical oxidation process conditions using chemical oxygen demand (COD) and color removals as responses, and the electrolyte concentrations, current density and reaction time as control factors. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed good coefficient of determination (R2) values of >0.98, thus ensuring satisfactory fitting of the second-order regression model with the experimental data. In un-optimized condition, maximum removals for COD (48.77) and color (58.21) were achieved at current density 80 mA/cm2, electrolyte concentration 3,000 mg/L and reaction time 240 min. While after optimization at current density 75mA/cm 2, electrolyte concentration 2,000 mg/L and reaction time 218 min a maximum of 49.33 and 59.24 removals were observed for COD and color respectively. © IWA Publishing 2010. %Z cited By 40