%K Design frameworks; Digital storytelling; Learning process; Main component; Positive feedback; Young children, Feedback, Design %C Singapore %P 4-8 %O cited By 2; Conference of 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2010 ; Conference Date: 26 February 2010 Through 28 February 2010; Conference Code:80373 %X This paper presents a design framework for flashcard based guided digital storytelling (DST). Most previous works on digital storytelling design provided support for children to freely design their own stories based on given media's. For some learning processes where certain objectives need to be achieved, giving complete autonomy to young children to design their own stories may take them longer to reach the necessary objectives; some may not even achieve them. In such situations, guidance is seen as necessary to help students stay focused on the intended goal of the lesson. Basically, the framework comprises of two main components: the instructor section and the children section. A prototype was developed to illustrate the concept. The result showed a very positive feedback on how important of the guided learning and the design of the prototype. ©2010 IEEE. %D 2010 %L scholars1253 %V 3 %J 2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2010 %A Jumail %A D.R. Awang Rambli %A S. Sulaiman %T A design framework for flashcards based guided digital storytelling %R 10.1109/ICCAE.2010.5451834