%K Adaptive immune systems; Artificial Immune System; Autonomous systems; Biological immune system; Danger theories; Design theory; Human immune systems; In-line; Intrusion prevention; Intrusion prevention systems; Network systems; Novel algorithm; Self-healing; Software systems, Algorithms; Immunology; Intrusion detection, Mathematical models %C Singapore %P 843-846 %O cited By 3; Conference of 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2010 ; Conference Date: 26 February 2010 Through 28 February 2010; Conference Code:80373 %X In this paper, software system, design theories and human immune system (HIS) features are used to introduce a novel algorithm for the problem of preventing intrusions and healing the damage which they cause. The HIS features are analyzed and modelled to monitor network systems as to whether the inline activities are behaving abnormally or being attacked. The abnormal activities are prevented and healed by the presented algorithms. We show how the use of biological immune systems, which incorporate an innate, adaptive immune system and self-healing mechanism, can reduce the number of false alerts and heal the damage caused by intrusion. This autonomous system improves the performance of the current Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and carries on system continuity by using the Self-Healing (SH) mechanism. ©2010 IEEE. %V 5 %L scholars1252 %D 2010 %J 2010 The 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, ICCAE 2010 %A M. Elsadig %A A. Abdullah %A B.B. Samir %T Intrusion prevention and self-healing algorithms inspired by danger theory %R 10.1109/ICCAE.2010.5451886