@inproceedings{scholars1210, pages = {189--192}, title = {Opportunities and challenges for E-commerce in Malaysia: A theoretical approach}, address = {Kuala Lumpur}, journal = {ICECT 2010 - Proceedings of the 2010 2nd International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology}, doi = {10.1109/ICECTECH.2010.5479962}, year = {2010}, note = {cited By 5; Conference of 2010 International Conference on Electronic Computer Technology, ICECT 2010 ; Conference Date: 7 May 2010 Through 10 May 2010; Conference Code:80919}, author = {Khan, M. J. and Dominic, P. D. D. and Khan, A.}, isbn = {9781424474059}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-77954403359&doi=10.1109\%2fICECTECH.2010.5479962&partnerID=40&md5=c506a39e34c39fb07fc670d3e94d3669}, keywords = {E-Commerce; E-readiness; Economic condition; Foreign investment; High costs; High rate; Information and Communication Technologies; Information communication technology; Information technology infrastructure; Internet access; Internet usage; IT infrastructures; Low-wages; Malaysia; Online purchasing; Political stability; Regulatory initiatives; Research problems; Socio-economic conditions; Theoretical approach, Computers; Electronic commerce; Internet; Investments, Information technology}, abstract = {Numerous studies of E-Commerce have emphasized the sway of obstacles related to Information Technology (IT) infrastructure, Socio economic condition, Internet usage, Government and regulatory initiatives as major determinants of ecommerce success. Information communication technology (ICT) revolutionizes businesses around the world. In this paper e- commerce practices in Malaysia has been analyzed by its strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This paper provides a general review of challenges and opportunities for e commerce practices in Malaysia. And to understand the in-depth of e-commerce practices and to investigates more solutions for the research problems. Analysis shows that E-Commerce in Malaysia is moving towards uptrend direction. But still there are some challenges which are influencing on E-Commerce. The challenges such as economic condition of the country, low wages of labors, low internet access, lack of awareness of online purchasing, e-readiness, high cost and legacy of fast internet. Findings show that there are sweet opportunities which can boost up E-Commerce in Malaysia. Strategic position of the country, political stability, foreign investment in information and communication technology (ICT) and high rate of education can be the charming part of E-Commerce growth in Malaysia. {\^A}{\copyright}2010 IEEE.} }