%O cited By 2; Conference of EAGE-GSM 2nd Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering ; Conference Date: 22 April 2019 Through 26 April 2019; Conference Code:148617 %I European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE %K Aquifers; Gravitational prospecting; Hot springs; Hydrogeology; Magnetism; Reservoirs (water), Bouguer gravity anomalies; Euler deconvolution; Geophysical methods; Geophysical surveys; Geophysical tools; Integrated strategy; Quantitative modeling; Subsurface structures, Geophysics %A J.S. Kayode %A H. Arifin %A M. Nawawi %A A. Khalil %A H. Baioumy %J EAGE-GSM 2nd Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering %T Characterization of the hot spring aquifers at Sungai Klah using potential fields geophysical methods %D 2019 %L scholars11928 %X The potential geophysical methods using gravity and ground magnetic were applied in an integrated strategy to characterized and lessen the ambiguities of the models generated. The gravity method was adopted to define subsurface rock contacts, (i.e., dykes and faults), using their density contrast. The Bouguer gravity anomaly map was generated from the data with the 3-D Euler deconvolution techniques applied in Geosoft Oasis Montaj software to delineate these rock contacts and sources of the subsurface anomalies emplace in the area thereby making it a powerful technique for assessing the depths and the geometry of the buried geologic sources for the hot water reservoir. The total intensity magnetic values recorded were corrected and plotted on a magnetic map for quantitative modeling and interpretation. The Euler deconvolution and Reduced-to-the-Pole (RTP) filters were applied to the data to produced more reliable detailed of the subsurface structures beneath the hot spring. Applications of integrated geophysical tools in addition to a well-known geology of the area under investigation minimizes ambiguities. The models obtained from the geophysical surveys showed that the aquifer could be probably at a few hundred meters deeper than the predicted. © 2019 EAGE-GSM 2nd Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience and Engineering.All right reserved.