%I Czech University of Life Sciences Prague %P 601-606 %O cited By 0; Conference of 7th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2019, TAE 2019 ; Conference Date: 17 September 2019 Through 20 September 2019; Conference Code:159844 %K Agricultural engineering; Agriculture; Heat convection, Convective drying; Drying characteristics; Drying process; Drying temperature; Higher efficiency; Mathematical descriptions; Vacuum drying process; Vacuum pressure, Drying %A L.S. Yee %A I.F.B.M. Redzuan %J TAE 2019 - Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2019 %T Mathematical description of normal convective and vacuum drying process of rapeseeds %X Normal convective drying and vacuum drying of rapeseeds were carried out to conduct the comparison between two different drying process at five different drying temperatures and vacuum pressure of 20 kPa. Mathematical model for description of dependency between weight of rapeseeds and drying time for normal convective and vacuum drying process was determined and statistically verified. From the gained drying characteristics imply that vacuum drying has higher efficiency than convective drying. © TAE 2019 - Proceeding of 7th International Conference on Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2019. All Rights Reserved. %D 2019 %L scholars11917