%O cited By 17 %P 117-127 %I Elsevier Ltd %K Bluetooth; Dielectric spectroscopy; Histology; Microwave sensors; Microwaves; Moisture control; Moisture determination; Supply chains; Tissue, Bluetooth low energies (BTLE); Heterogeneous devices; Internet of Things (IOT); Meat quality; Microwave sensing; Real time monitoring; Resonance frequencies; Water holding capacity, Internet of things %R 10.1016/j.mejo.2018.03.006 %J Microelectronics Journal %T An implementation of IoT-based microwave sensing system for the evaluation of tissues moisture %A M.T. Jilani %A M.Z.U. Rehman %A A.M. Khan %A O. Chughtai %A M.A. Abbas %A M.T. Khan %V 88 %L scholars11578 %D 2019 %X Internet-of-Things (IoT)is no longer just a buzzword. �Things� that are immensely connecting to the Internet, are now creating �Smart� systems. However, heterogeneous devices and the dominance of propriety protocols are still the major challenges for practical application of such systems. This research work presents a practical application of a real-time microwave sensing system for the evaluation of tissues moisture. The work addresses two major challenges; first, the use of a highly sensitive microwave sensor to determine tissue moisture; second, to share the measurement with the remote users through an IoT-based system over the Bluetooth low-energy radio using open standards and protocols. The prototype shows significant changes in its resonance frequency, return loss and bandwidth (5.5�26)for the measured moisture content, which is also validated. This implementation demonstrates the feasibility of real-time monitoring of food quality. It also enables data-analytics that may help the industries to improve product quality, supply-chain and predicts demand in a more effective manner. © 2018 Elsevier Ltd