%K Catalyst activity; Gasification; Glass ceramics; Hydrogen; Lithium batteries; Lithium compounds; Magnetic materials; Metals, Catalyst synthesis; Composites material; Cutting edges; Formation mechanism; List of content; Metal-oxide composites; NiO catalysts; NiO composites; Property; Research activities, Nickel oxide %O cited By 31 %I Elsevier Ltd %L scholars11280 %V 114 %D 2019 %X Metal-metal oxide composite materials have been garnering wide attention due to their extraordinary properties and applications in several areas. Ni-NiO is an important composite; its synthesis and properties have been of increased interest with regards to prominent applications in many fields. This article provides for the first time a comprehensive review of the cutting-edge research activities that focus on rational synthesis, characterization techniques, novel properties and applications of the Ni-NiO composite. While the formation mechanism of this composite is still vague, much attention has been given to the reported formation mechanisms using different precursors in one-pot synthesis, and thus, a formation mechanism and green synthesis route have been proposed. All the applications of the Ni-NiO composite in different fields including magnetic materials, ion-lithium battery, supercapacitors and catalytic activities are also emphasized. It was proved from the available literature that metallic Ni was obtained into the skelton of NiO by the reduction process during the calcination through the production of adventitious H2 via the gasification-like process. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd %R 10.1016/j.rser.2019.109326 %T Comprehensive review of structured binary Ni-NiO catalyst: Synthesis, characterization and applications %J Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews %A M.S. Alnarabiji %A O. Tantawi %A A. Ramli %A N.A. Mohd Zabidi %A O.B. Ghanem %A B. Abdullah