%0 Conference Paper %A Aziz, N.A. %A Ahmad, R. %D 2010 %F scholars:1103 %K Application integration; B2B; Chain components; Complex industries; E-supply chain; eBusiness; Malaysia; Model framework, Construction industry; Information technology; Integration; Supply chain management; Supply chains, Electronic commerce %P 1372-1375 %R 10.1109/ITSIM.2010.5561651 %T A proposed framework for E-business supply chain integrator %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/1103/ %V 3 %X Construction industry remains as one of the most complex industries in Malaysia due to the many interdependent business supporting it. Currently there is no specific research done on how to integrate the entire supply chain components. This paper prepared to propose a solution to this problem. By providing a model framework for E-business Supply Chain Integrator (SCI), entire supply chain can be integrated. Hence, review of literature, initial finding, challenges and discussions on future work are highlighted in this paper. © 2010 IEEE. %Z cited By 2; Conference of 2010 International Symposium on Information Technology, ITSim'10 ; Conference Date: 15 June 2010 Through 17 June 2010; Conference Code:81915