%R 10.1515/rams-2018-0013 %V 53 %T Various types of anti-reflective coatings (ARCS) Based on the layer composition and surface topography: A review %J Reviews on Advanced Materials Science %I Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering %P 187-205 %A M. Moayedfar %A M.K. Assadi %D 2018 %N 2 %O cited By 35 %X One of the crucial factors in improving optical device performance is decreasing reflection, and enhancing light absorption or transmission from wide angles of incidence in a broad wavelength range. In this regard, efficient anti-reflective surfaces demonstrating multifunctional capabilities and showing prospective quasi-omnidirectional anti-reflective and broadband properties are proposed. The selection of a suitable coating material is a key factor in reducing reflection on these surfaces. Hence, this review aims to outline the inception of durable and inexpensive ARC materials that can be applied in different electronic and optical equipment, based on its original conceptualization. Strategies to reduce reflectance will be discussed, and various forms of ARC investigated, paying attention to layer composition and surface topography. To conclude, among all available ARC materials, a 2D rectangular grating for light absorption on GaSb surfaces showed superior properties. © 2018 Advanced Study Center Co. Ltd. %K Antimony compounds; Antireflection coatings; Gallium compounds; III-V semiconductors; Light absorption; Light transmission; Reflective coatings; Surface topography, Anti reflective coatings; Broadband property; Coating material; Decreasing reflections; Layer composition; Optical device performance; Optical equipment; Wavelength ranges, Topography %L scholars10799