%0 Journal Article %@ 23674512 %A Haji Abd Samad, F. %A Sulaiman, S. %A Awang Rambli, D.R. %A Hasbullah, H. %D 2018 %F scholars:10611 %I Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH %J Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies %K Engineering; Industrial engineering, End systems; Haptic applications; Haptic feedbacks; Haptic sensation; Real-world; Usability studies; Written description, User experience %P 412-419 %R 10.1007/978-3-319-59427-9₄₄ %T Capturing haptic experience through usersâ�� visual sketches %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/10611/ %V 5 %X The challenges in developing haptic applications start as early as from capturing usersâ�� requirements stage that involves haptic sensation. It is important to capture, and translate the usersâ�� haptic experience well so that the haptic feedback integrated into the virtual environment could efficiently mimic reality similar to that in the real world. A lot of efforts have been done by researchers and developers in aiding this process but little emphasis was given to exploit the capability of sketches. Sketching has been claimed to be a powerful tool in gaining haptic characteristics perceived by users besides their verbal and written descriptions. This paper presents the relevancy of sketching in the process of capturing usersâ�� haptic experience. This is done by reviewing previous reported findings both in haptic and non-haptic domains. This was followed by two usability studies conducted to investigate the potential of sketches in capturing haptic design requirements. The result shows the extent in which sketches would significantly help developers in describing haptic, and improve the effectiveness of the end system. © Springer International Publishing AG 2018. %Z cited By 0