%P 22908-22919 %V 6 %I Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. %A R.P. Balandong %A R.F. Ahmad %A M.N. Mohamad Saad %A A.S. Malik %T A Review on EEG-Based Automatic Sleepiness Detection Systems for Driver %J IEEE Access %L scholars10459 %O cited By 95 %R 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2811723 %D 2018 %K Accident prevention; Accidents; Brain; Brain computer interface; Classification (of information); Electric discharges; Electric power measurement; Electrodes; Electrophysiology; Electrostatic devices; Electrostatic discharge; Fatigue of materials; Interfaces (computer); Vehicles, circadian; countermeasure; homeostasis; Multi-modal approach; Sleep; sleepiness, Electroencephalography %X Electroencephalography-based sleepiness detection system (ESDS) is a brain-computer interface that evaluates a driver's sleepiness level directly from cerebral activity. The goals of ESDS research are to estimate and produce a timely warning to prevent declines in performance efficiency and to inhibit sleepiness-related accidents. We first, review different types of measures used in sleepiness detection systems (SDSs) and presents their advantages and drawbacks. Second, the review includes several techniques proposed in ESDSs to optimize the number of EEG electrodes, increasing the sleepiness level resolution and incorporation of circadian information. Finally, the review discusses future direction that can be considered in the development of ESDS. © 2013 IEEE.