%0 Conference Paper %A Zaharin, H.A. %A Abdul Rani, A.M. %A Ginta, T.L. %A Azam, F.I. %D 2018 %F scholars:10438 %I Institute of Physics Publishing %K Fighter aircraft; Laser heating; Melting; Sintering, Additive manufacturing technology; Current limitation; Fused deposition modelling; Manufacturing technologies; Medical industries; Selective laser melting; Selective laser sintering; Tissues engineerings, 3D printers %N 1 %R 10.1088/1757-899X/328/1/012003 %T Additive Manufacturing Technology for Biomedical Components: A review %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/10438/ %V 328 %X Over the last decades, additive manufacturing has shown potential application in ranging fields. No longer a prototyping technology, it is now being utilised as a manufacturing technology for giant industries such as the automotive, aircraft and recently in the medical industry. It is a very successful method that provides health-care solution in biomedical sectors by producing patient-specific prosthetics, improve tissues engineering and facilitate pre-operating session. This paper thus presents a brief overview of the most commercially important additive manufacturing technologies, which is currently available for fabricating biomedical components such as Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and Electron Beam Melting (EBM). It introduces the basic principles of the main process, highlights some of the beneficial applications in medical industry and the current limitation of applied technology. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. %Z cited By 9; Conference of 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Process Plant Engineering 2017, ICMMPE 2017 ; Conference Date: 22 November 2017 Through 23 November 2017; Conference Code:135320