%L scholars10382 %K Ammonia; Biodegradable polymers; Coatings; Diffusion in liquids; Diffusion in solids; Eutrophication; Fertilizers; Fluidized bed process; Fluidized beds; Metabolism; Nitrogen; Urea, Coating uniformity; Controlled release; Fluidized bed coating; Green fertilizer; Release characteristics, Process control %X Pristine urea is lost due to ammonia volatilization and leaching causing toxic emissions and eutrophication. Controlled-release urea is employed as an abatement strategy. Most of the synthetic polymers used to produce controlled-release urea are non-biodegradable and expensive. To offset this problem, modified-starch biopolymer is used as coating material to produce controlled-release urea in fluidized bed. The effect of different process variables is studied on release characteristics and coating uniformity of coated urea. The product has better release characteristics. The statistical analysis reveals that fluidizing gas temperature and coating time are the most influential variables. The nutrient release time increases with increase in coating time and decreases with increase in fluidizing gas temperature beyond a certain limit. Coating uniformity, significant thickness and film integrity are required for promising release characteristics. Urea release followed non-Fickian diffusion and Case-II transport. This study can help produce green fertilizer at bigger scale. © 2018 Assoc. Brasiliera de Eng. Quimica / Braz. Soc. Chem. Eng.. All rights reserved. %O cited By 9 %N 2 %D 2018 %A B. Azeem %A K. KuShaari %A Z. Man %A T.H. Trinh %P 587-603 %I Assoc. Brasiliera de Eng. Quimica / Braz. Soc. Chem. Eng. %J Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering %T Effect of fluidized-bed process variables on controlled-release of nitrogen and coating %V 35 %R 10.1590/0104-6632.20180352s20160424