%I Taylor and Francis Inc. %P 623-633 %R 10.1080/01932691.2017.1378581 %V 39 %J Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology %T Mechanistic study of nanoparticles�surfactant foam flow in etched glass micro-models %O cited By 10 %X This study was conducted in order to identify the pore-level mechanisms controlling the nanoparticles�surfactant foams flow process and residual oil mobilization in etched glass micro-models. The dominant mechanism of foam propagation and residual oil mobilization in water-wet system was identified as lamellae division and emulsification of oil, respectively. There was inter-bubble trapping of oil and water, lamellae detaching and collapsing of SDS-foam in the presence of oil in water-wet system and in oil-wet system. The dominant mechanisms of nanoparticles�surfactant foam flow and residual oil mobilization in oil-wet system were the generation of pore spanning continuous gas foam. The identified mechanisms were independent of pore geometry. The SiO2-SDS and Al2O3-SDS foams propagate successfully in water-wet and oil-wet systems; foam coalescence was prevented during film stretching due to the adsorption and accumulation of the nanoparticles at the gas�liquid interface of the foam, which increased the films� interfacial viscoelasticity. © 2017 Taylor & Francis. %K Emulsification; Flow of fluids; Foams; Glass; Interfaces (materials); Mechanisms; Nanoparticles; Silica; Surface active agents, Dominant mechanism; Flow process; Liquid interface; Mechanistic studies; Oil wets; Pore-level mechanisms; Surfactant foams; Water-wet systems, Phase interfaces %L scholars10330 %A N. Yekeen %A M.A. Manan %A A.K. Idris %A A.M. Samin %A A.R. Risal %D 2018 %N 5