%J IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science %T Performance and Simulation of a Stand-alone Parabolic Trough Solar Thermal Power Plant %R 10.1088/1755-1315/150/1/012021 %V 150 %I Institute of Physics Publishing %N 1 %A S.T. Mohammad %A H.H. Al-Kayiem %A M.K. Assadi %A S.I.U.H. Gilani %A A.K. Khlief %D 2018 %K Solar concentrators; Thermoelectric power plants, Developed model; Parabolic trough power plants; Parabolic-trough solar thermal power plants; Power out put; Simulation performance; Solar fields; Solar thermal power plants; Stand -alone, Solar heating %L scholars10308 %O cited By 2; Conference of 2018 8th International Conference on Future Environment and Energy, ICFEE 2018 ; Conference Date: 10 January 2018 Through 12 January 2018; Conference Code:136912 %X In this paper, a Simulink®° Thermolib Model has been established for simulation performance evaluation of Stand-alone Parabolic Trough Solar Thermal Power Plant in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. This paper proposes a design of 1.2 kW parabolic trough power plant. The model is capable to predict temperatures at any system outlet in the plant, as well as the power output produced. The conditions that are taken into account as input to the model are: local solar radiation and ambient temperatures, which have been measured during the year. Other parameters that have been input to the model are the collector's sizes, location in terms of latitude and altitude. Lastly, the results are presented in graphical manner to describe the analysed variations of various outputs of the solar fields obtained, and help to predict the performance of the plant. The developed model allows an initial evaluation of the viability and technical feasibility of any similar solar thermal power plant. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.