Thermal and mechanical properties of urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin combined with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) as nanofiller and fiberboards prepared by UF-MWCNT

Kumar, A. and Gupta, A. and Sharma, K.V. (2015) Thermal and mechanical properties of urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin combined with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) as nanofiller and fiberboards prepared by UF-MWCNT. Holzforschung, 69 (2). pp. 199-205. ISSN 00183830

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The effect of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) as reinforcement on the properties of urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin and medium-density fiberboards was investigated. MWCNT was added to UF in two concentrations, and the effects were studied by means of differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic mechanical thermal analysis in terms of the curing and viscoelastic properties of the resins. In the presence of MWCNT, the activation energy of the resins was lowered, and their storage modulus and thermal conductivity were enhanced. The formaldehyde emission decreased and mechanical properties increased after addition of MWCNT to UF resin. © 2015 by De Gruyter.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 34
Uncontrolled Keywords: Activation energy; Curing; Differential scanning calorimetry; Formaldehyde; Mechanical properties; Metabolism; Nanotubes; Resins; Thermal conductivity; Thermoanalysis; Thermosets; Urea; Urea formaldehyde resins; Viscoelasticity, Curing behavior; Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis; fiberboard; Formaldehyde emission; Medium density fiberboards; Thermal and mechanical properties; Viscoelastic properties; Wood composites, Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCN)
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2023 16:17
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2023 16:17

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