Effect of coal rank and porosity on the optimization of ECBM recovery

Tunio, S.Q. and Ismail, M.S. (2014) Effect of coal rank and porosity on the optimization of ECBM recovery. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences, 7 (3). pp. 158-168. ISSN 19963343

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Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is naturally occurring methane (CH4) with small amounts of other hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon gases being adsorbed in coal seam reservoirs as a result of chemical and physical processes. CBM is often produced at shallow depths and often produced with large volumes of water at the early stage of production. There are several factors that influence the production of CBM like porosity, permeability, coal rank, initial gas content and natural fracture system. This study will be focusing on the effects of different coal ranks and coal porosity on the optimization of ECBM recovery (C02 injection). The injection of carbon dioxide (C02) will enhance the recovery of CBM and at the same time a very attractive option for C02 sequestration. This project is done by simulating the data of CBM basins obtained from available published research papers. A reservoir simulator ECLIPSE (E300) developed by Schlumberger will be used in this project. The results later will be compared and further analyzed to conclude the project outcomes. Based on the study and stimulation that has been conducted, the outcomes of the result indicates that the higher coal rank will be having higher gas content whereas the porosity of coalbed may not be directly proportional to the increasing of burial depth. In certain cases, the less deep coalbed tend to has higher porosity compared to the deeper coal bed. © 2014 Knowledgia Review, Malaysia.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 3
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2023 16:17
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2023 16:17
URI: https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/id/eprint/5447

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