Measurement of H-LW-V and dissociation enthalpy of carbon dioxide rich synthetic natural gas mixtures

Sabil, K.M. and Nasir, Q. and Partoon, B. and Seman, A.A. (2014) Measurement of H-LW-V and dissociation enthalpy of carbon dioxide rich synthetic natural gas mixtures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 59 (11). pp. 3502-3509. ISSN 00219568

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In this work, hydrate-liquid water-vapor (H-LW-V) equilibrium data for methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and four synthetic carbon dioxide (CO2) rich natural gas mixtures are measured. The measured pressure and temperature are in the range of (1.10 to 15.29) MPa and (272.15 to 290.15) K, respectively. In addition, a thermodynamic model based on Peng-Robinson (PR) EoS coupled with van der Waals-Platteeuw and modified Krichevsky and Kasarnovsky (KK) equation has been used for prediction of the equilibrium condition. The comparison between experimental measurements and model prediction shows excellent agreement obtained with an absolute average error of temperature (AAE) as low as 0.09. Additionally, the enthalpy of dissociation for simple and mixed gas hydrates is estimated using the measured equilibrium data by applying the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. © 2014 American Chemical Society.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 27
Uncontrolled Keywords: Carbon; Dissociation; Enthalpy; Gas hydrates; Gas mixtures; Gases; Hydration; Liquid methane; Methane; Mixtures; Natural gas; Van der Waals forces, Clausius-Clapeyron equations; Dissociation enthalpies; Enthalpy of dissociation; Equilibrium conditions; Measurements and modeling; Pressure and temperature; Synthetic natural gas; Thermodynamic model, Carbon dioxide
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2023 16:15
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2023 16:15

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