Strengthening of RC beams with large openings in shear by CFRP laminates: Experiment and 2D nonlinear finite element analysis

Chin, S.C. and Shafiq, N. and Nuruddin, M.F. (2012) Strengthening of RC beams with large openings in shear by CFRP laminates: Experiment and 2D nonlinear finite element analysis. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 4 (9). pp. 1172-1180. ISSN 20407459

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This study presents the experimental study and numerical analysis of Reinforced Concrete (RC) beams with large square openings placed in the shear region, at a distance 0.5d and d away from the support, strengthened by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminates. This research aims to investigate the strength losses in RC beam due to the presence of large square openings placed at two different locations in shear region. Also, in order to re-gain the beam structural capacity loss due to the openings, strengthening by CFRP laminates around the openings were studied. A total of six RC beams were tested to failure under four point loading including control beams, un-strengthened and strengthened RC beams with large square openings in shear region at a distance 0.5d and d away from the support. The CFRP strengthening configuration considered in this study was a full wrapping system around the square openings. A nonlinear finite element program, ATENA was used to validate the results of the tested beams. Comparisons between the finite element predictions and experimental results in terms of crack patterns and load deflection relationships are presented. The crack pattern results of the finite element model show good agreement with the experimental data. The load midspan deflection curves of the finite element models exhibited a stiffer result compared to the experimental beams. The possible reason may be due to the perfect bond assumption between the concrete and steel reinforcement. © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 21
Uncontrolled Keywords: Carbon fiber reinforced polymer; CFRP laminate; Control beams; Crack patterns; Experimental data; Experimental studies; Finite element models; Finite-element predictions; Four-point; Large openings; Large squares; Load-deflection relationships; Mid-span deflection; Non-linear finite-element analysis; Nonlinear finite element program; Perfect bond; RC beams; Reinforced concrete beams; Square; Square openings; Steel reinforcements; Strength loss; Structural capacities, Carbon fiber reinforced plastics; Carbon fibers; Concrete beams and girders; Cracks; Finite element method; Loading; Reinforced concrete; Software testing; Strengthening (metal), Laminates
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2023 15:51
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2023 15:51

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