Shoreline response to three submerged offshore breakwaters along Kerteh Bay Coast of terengganu

Tunji, L.A.Q. and Hashim, A.M. and Yusof, K.W. (2012) Shoreline response to three submerged offshore breakwaters along Kerteh Bay Coast of terengganu. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 4 (16). pp. 2604-2615. ISSN 20407459

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This study will attempt to create a predictive empirical model exclusively for SBWs (submerged breakwaters) in terms of mode (erosion or accretion) and magnitude (size of salient) of formation. In the past, prediction of shoreline response to SBWs was done based on predictive empirical model for generalized offshore breakwaters (Submerged & Emerged). But majority of documented response of prototype submerged structures result in erosion rather than accretion in there lee. It is believed that these structures don't perform as expected because a generalized predictive empirical model is used to predict the shoreline response to these structures. A numerical model MIKE 21 CAM and aerial/satellite imagery will be adopted to deduce relationships between structural and environmental parameters, which will result in formation of a predictive empirical model. An ideal prototype of SBWs is available in Kerteh, Terengganu, Malaysia. This will serve as a study area and the results from the Numerical model and aerial/satellite images will be validated with results from the study area. The predictive empirical model will as well be tested on the study area. It is expected that a contribution will be made towards the understanding of the key parameters that governs the mode (i.e., erosion and accretion) and the magnitude (i.e., size of salient) of shoreline response to SBWs. It is also expected that a predictive empirical model will be established to accurately predict shoreline response in terms of mode and magnitude of SBWs. © Maxwell Scientific Organization, 2012.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 9
Uncontrolled Keywords: Coastal erosion; Empirical model; Environmental parameter; Key parameters; Malaysia; MIKE-21; Offshore breakwaters; Predictive models; Study areas; Submerged breakwater; Submerged structures, Floating breakwaters; Forecasting; Numerical models, Erosion
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2023 15:51
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2023 15:51

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