Thermogravimetric analysis of different molar mass ammonium cations intercalated different cationic forms of montmorillonite

Elkhalifah, A.E.I. and Maitra, S. and Bustam, M.A. and Murugesan, T. (2012) Thermogravimetric analysis of different molar mass ammonium cations intercalated different cationic forms of montmorillonite. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 110 (2). pp. 765-771. ISSN 13886150

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Different cationic forms of montmorillonite, mainly K-, Na-, Ca- and Mg-montmorillonites were intercalated in this study via ion exchange process with mono-, di-, and triethanolammonium cations. The developed samples were characterized by TG, XRD, and CHNS techniques. Thermogravimetric study of ammonium-montmorillonites shows three thermal transition steps, which are attributable to the volatilization of the physically adsorbed water and dehydration, followed by the decomposition of the intercalated ammonium cations and dehydroxylation of the structural water of the modified clay, respectively, while untreated and cationic forms of montmorillonite showed only two decomposition steps. The type of ammonium cation has affected both desorption temperature (Position) and the amount of the adsorbed water (intensity). XRD results show a stepwise change in the crystallographic spacings of montmorillonite with the molar mass of ammonium cation, reflecting a change in the structure of the clay. CHNS data confirm the intercalation of ammonium cations into the interlayer space of montmorillonite and corroborate the effect of the molar mass of ammonium cation on the amount adsorbed by the clay. © Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, Hungary 2012.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 15
Uncontrolled Keywords: Adsorbed water; Ammonium cations; Cationic forms; Crystallographic spacing; Dehydroxylations; Desorption temperatures; Interlayer spaces; Ion exchange process; Modified clays; Structural water; TG; Thermal transitions; Thermogravimetric studies; XRD, Clay minerals; Desorption; Organoclay; Positive ions; Thermogravimetric analysis, Ammonium compounds
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2023 15:50
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2023 15:50

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