Machining of cemented tungsten carbide using EDM

Mahamat, A.T.Z. and Rani, A.M.A. and Husain, P. (2011) Machining of cemented tungsten carbide using EDM. Journal of Applied Sciences, 11 (10). pp. 1784-1790. ISSN 18125654

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In this study, we investigate the possibility of machining cemented tungsten carbide WC+6 Co by using copper. Tungsten carbide is hard and brittle with low thermal conductivity and low thermal expansion. The high resistant to abrasive wear and high melting point are the main reason for the selection of these materials for large number of applications such as machining tool and die material. The hardness of WC+Co primarily depends on the average grain size and cobalt content. The difficulty when machining cemented tungsten carbide comes from the thermal stress. The micro cracks enlarge, which leads to macro crack and fragmentation. This can be referred to the low thermal expansion, thermal conductivity and brittleness, which create a high thermal stress. Generally, cooling and removal of the cracked particles are difficult. In order to develop the optimal machining process for the desirable machining response, L9 Taguchi Orthogonal Array (OA) were used. This orthogonal array is used for optimization of the following variables; Peak-Current (IP), pulse ON-Time (ON), pulse OFF-Time (OFF) and Gap-Voltage (GAP). The results show that it's possible to ED Ming WC-Co using copper electrode at very low energy setting but at the expense of material removal rate MRR. © 2011 Asian Network for Scientific Information.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: cited By 13
Depositing User: Mr Ahmad Suhairi UTP
Date Deposited: 09 Nov 2023 15:50
Last Modified: 09 Nov 2023 15:50

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